Innovation in farming and forestry: final evaluation of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP)
Wavehill was commissioned to provide an independent evaluation of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Wales programme. Funded by...
Innovation in farming and forestry: final evaluation of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP)
Aberystwyth Old College Regeneration – A Transformative Economic Boost for Rural Wales
A brief look at Wavehill’s latest ARFOR report
Wavehill to Evaluate Key Regeneration Projects Under Flintshire’s Shared Prosperity Fund
Wavehill Commissioned to Evaluate Serious Violence Interventions in North Wales
Working Wales Review: Employability Support Across Wales
Circular Economy: Brainwaves project summative assessment
Good Growth: how Cornwall will deliver inclusive and clean economic growth
Engaging Farmers in Research: the Farm Business Grant
Nature based evaluations; understanding Wavehill’s approach to environmental impact.