Business Case &
Funding Bids
All government and much non-government support follow a similar approach to allocating funding. This focuses on demonstrating the value and impact of your potential project for your funders, for your recipients and increasingly, for the wider community. We work in close collaboration with you at each stage of the funding application process to develop your ideas to help you fund your initiative.

At Wavehill we:
Are experienced in developing robust business cases using the HMT Green Book five case business model. We can also appraise your project or a range of project options for you using Green Book methodologies to support you with business case development, or to make decisions about what to invest in.
Can write your funding bid. Whether this is in full or working alongside you and focused on the technical sections such as the economic case, we will ensure it is compliant with government guidance and set up for success.
At Wavehill we work in collaboration with you to understand what you want your project to achieve, and how best we can shape the project business case or funding bid to be successful. Our approach ensures your project has a wide-ranging evidence base, which is grounded in HMT Green Book approaches. At Wavehill we can combine our deep expertise across different sectors and policy areas to best support your initiative.