Wavehill are undertaking research on behalf of the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) to support it with their Growing Green Skills Capacity in Powys project. The information gathered is used to produce a report which investigates the green skills training landscape in Powys and broader Wales with the aim to identify gaps and opportunities for additional CAT’s delivery.
We would like to speak to businesses or organisations who have either previously engaged with CAT or may be interested in their green skills training offer. Those participating in this research have been identified through desk research and/or by staff at CAT.
The data you provide will only be used for the purposes of this research. Any personal information collected as part of the research is kept confidential and will not be made public in a way that could lead to you being identified.
It is also important to note that the team undertaking the research do not work for CAT or any of the organisations that are involved in the delivery or funding of this project. This is an independent piece of research.
Wavehill will delete the information you provide and all personal data relating to this research within six months of the end of the evaluation.
If you have any queries regarding the research, please feel free to contact either Declan Turner at Wavehill (declan.turner@wavehill.com) or Amanda Smith at CAT (amanda.smith@cat.org.uk).
Under the new data protection legislation, you have the right:
To access your personal data held by CAT;
To require CAT to correct any mistakes in that data;
To (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing;
For (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’.
Please contact Amanda Smith if you wish to do any of these things. If you have any concerns about how your data has been handled, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office who is Welsh Government’s independent regulator for data protection. You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 01625 545 745 or 0303 123 1113, via the website www.ico.org.uk, or write to: Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Further information
1. Why is this research happening?
Wavehill is conducting research to support the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) with their Growing Green Skills Capacity in Powys project. This initiative is part of the People and Skills theme of the Powys Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) Local Partnership Board, aimed at creating employment opportunities and fostering career advancement.
Research is needed to review the sustainability-related training provision in Wales and identify potential gaps and opportunities for additional CAT’s delivery. Furthermore, the research looks to review CAT’s market niche and align it with business requirements.
2. What type of information is collected through the research?
The research covers a wide range of topics, including:
the environment-related educational offer in Wales and associated gaps;
the niche that CAT should focus on to maximise its offer;
businesses’ requirements that can align with a potential expanded CAT offer;
the USP of CAT which would encourage a business or organisation to send staff to CAT for training.
3. What is personal data?
Personal data means any information that could lead to a person being identified either alone or in combination with other widely-available information, e.g. their name, their address, or details specific to that person.
The research does not collect any personal data from the respondents, however personal data including contact information will have been shared with Wavehill in order to complete the research.
4. How long does Wavehill store data for?
Data will be stored for 6 months following the completion of the research, expected in October 2024.
5. What is the legal basis for collecting and processing the data collected?
Consent. This can be withdrawn at any time.
6. What is the purpose of processing your answers?
The data is used for research purposes only.
7. Who has access to the data collected?
Only Wavehill will have access to any personal data shared with them. Personal data will be removed from any outputs generated.
Internal Ref 798-24